Fucked up employee

Holla! I haven't been write for a while. No, it's not a while, its already months since my last update. Haha you could say that I only came here when I had something nasty to said but at some reason I just cannot said it out loud cause it would be so waste of time for what I've been working my ass off.

Well, where to begin eh?

I kind of hate my job already. You know there're saying that "You hate your job where working hour end and weekend becomes the only thing you've been waiting every week." Yup I hate it already. I hate when all they see is me wasting my time and all of that while I'm just taking a break or I'm sort of out of ideas. Sometimes I'm just blur dude! Not all brain works the same! like FUCKING SAME! Ideas is not some type of poop to come out first thing in the morning. Our brain work soo fucking hard to came up with something. Well, its not hard for those who just come out with words! We work so hard to fulfill your fucking taste! Is it that hard to see? Keep being cocky all the time, when you know nothing than just burden us up with endless task.

You know, it become much harder for us designers when you work so hard to come out with what your top say "PIECE OF CAKE!" but what we only get is your fucking curse and everything that makes us feel no less than shame. Easy for you when BEING COCKY IS YOUR ONLY JOB! I don't see where is the fun when you get to curse your employees in front of outsiders. Is that something to be brag about? About being cocky? Being boss and everything?

I hate when they said "We don't take credit for what you guys have done." But guess what? News flash?! WHO'S NAME COME OUT ON THE FUCKING NEWSPAPER? DO THEY LIST OUT EVERY EMPLOYEES NAME?

Is it fair enough when your company gives local people a chance to be creative and spread out their talent but not to employees?
Is it fair when you had come out with some ideas that you top said it was some sort of ridiculous, but after that they come out with
something EXACTLY like yours but they make it like it was their ideas?
Is it fair?
Is it fair when you work your ass so hard to complete certain task but everytime you show it to them all you get is getting mock and cursed and not even single words of compliment to encourage you?
When they think cursed employees would make us work our ass much more but instead we turn out to be hate doing it and your task quality just getting down.
Do you really think it would work?
Work on everyone?
Please give me an example, please?

You know you are nothing but some piece of shit when they hand over the task you always do to other employees and left you with nothing to do in the office and makes you top to see you as wasting their money to hired you?
Have you ever feel that way?
While you looking for any thing to do in the office. Any work.
Yup, thats the job that I already hate.

Welcome to my part of life as an employee.


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